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Buy a Purdue University Global Diploma in 2024
How much does it cost to order a Purdue Global degree certificate?
Make a diploma.
Purchase a Purdue University Global degree and transcript.
Purdue University offers degrees worldwide in various timeframes and levels:
Within one year
More than one year but less than two years
Degree Levels:
Associate’s degree
Bachelor’s degree
Post-Bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree
Post-Master’s degree
Doctoral degree – Professional Practice
Ph.D. degree
Graduate Distribution Statistics:
View the number of graduates in various categories and majors.
Select all graduates or filter by bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degrees to see the number of graduates in each category.
Major Categories:
Engineering: Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, and more.
Natural Sciences:Physics, Chemistry, Geology, and more.
Sociology: Human Science, Economics, Government, and more.
Click on a major category to view the number of graduates in specific subdivisions.
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